Miracle—a remarkable event or development that brings very welcome consequences; an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency (Oxford Dictionaries).


‘And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters’ (1 John 3:16).

‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion’ (2 Corinthians 9:6).

‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If anyone remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit’ (John 15:5).


Next Sunday is the Self-Denial Altar Service. It will be the culmination of our ‘Love in Action’ theme, a time to give sacrificially out of the love of God in our hearts, a time to make a financial commitment that reflects the love of God for humankind flowing through our lives. That’s the encouragement we have been considering from Scripture:

‘And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters’ (1 John 16). The Apostle Paul also spoke of this love in very practical terms: ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion’ (2 Corinthians 9:6). Our Self-Denial offering is a gift from the heart.

Over these past weeks we have seen the direct and unmistakable impact of giving to the Self-Denial Appeal. In Indonesia, we have seen how Self-Denial funding has helped rebuild and repair corps buildings following a devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2018. It has also helped families rebuild their lives. Many people have come to faith through the ongoing recovery ministry of The Salvation Army.

In the Philippines we saw how funds from the Self-Denial Appeal have helped year-11 student Donato and his family establish a small livelihood business with a gift of five chickens and training in how to care for them and build a micro-business. The family was worried about how it would sustain itself, including Donato’s education.

They now have fifty chickens and the sale of both chickens and eggs resources the children’s education and has helped the family build a more permanent house. ‘Our organic chickens and eggs are in high demand,’ said Donato, ‘and my parents are happy to have a reliable food source and income … I’m very thankful to The Salvation Army and excited for my future.’

In a Tongan kindergarten, Mele Finau’Afu is the head teacher, and she is helping children to develop emotionally, physically and spiritually. She is excited about how the kindergarten is helping the community, particularly those families who are unable to afford the fees. The Salvation Army is assisting these families with scholarships, allowing children to start going to school. That the love of God in our hearts brings practical results like these from The Salvation Army’s mission in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and Tonga, is a miracle of God’s grace and for God’s greater glory.

At the Self-Denial Altar Service we act upon everything we’ve been talking about during these past five weeks. We join with others in bringing our gifts to God and committing them to God in prayer for the uplifting of people who are struggling all around the world. Our gifts are tangible evidence of how God has moved in our hearts to participate in making the world a better place for all. They are gifts of faith because we believe the Holy Spirit will take our gifts and multiply their impact many times over.

That’s the miracle about prayerful and sacrificial giving—about giving from the heart with the love of God. Although the gift itself may have practical goals, it is spiritual action. God sees the intent of our hearts and our gifts get wings. Jesus put it powerfully when he said, ‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If anyone remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit’ (John 15:5).


  • Spend some time reflecting on John 15:1–17 as both preparation and inspiration for the upcoming Self-Denial Altar Service. What is God speaking into your heart about your Self-Denial gift?
  • Also, consider that giving sacrificially for the wellbeing of others is not only a practical action for good, but a spiritual action rising out of the love of God filling our lives. What decision will you make about your giving next Sunday?
  • It might be helpful, if the opportunity arises, for you to share your thoughts with others.


Lord, I am seeing more and more that your nature is one of abundant life, of unlimited love and unbounded generosity. Right now, and with your help Holy Spirit, I step into your life, your love and your generosity, wanting to love and give more fully of myself and my resources. Please inspire and bless my Self-Denial offering. Amen.