‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.’ (Ephesians 6:18–19, NIV)
Love in action has been our focus for this year’s Self-Denial Appeal. So, as we finish off for the year, let’s remember to pray together. This is a powerful way to show love; it is a powerful way to put our love in action.
We can pray by ourselves for those around us. For our friends, families, church, community and for those hurting in this world. We can also come together and pray with each other for those same things.
This verse in Ephesians can be found at the end of the list of the armour of God, the things God has equipped us with to manage each day. The things that help us to stand strong against attacks from the enemy.
We are encouraged to equip ourselves with the things of God and invest in knowing the God who loves and protects us, and then pray for each other. Pray that we would experience truth, peace, life and freedom, and so would others. So would those in our communities. So would those who live on the other side of the world.
- Who can you pray for this week?
- What situation in your community can you pray about?
- What will you do now, to be all that you know God wants you to be—to be ‘love in action’?
As a youth group, or with a group of friends, pray for our world and each other. You could even start praying the armour of God onto yourselves and those around you.
God, we pray for those around us, that all of us would experience your love, truth, peace, life and freedom. God help me to put love into action. Amen.